
Tuesday, 24 March 2015



Because none of us have many more years to live, optimistically we are in mid life or 2nd half of life & we can't take along anything when we go...

Spend the money
that should be spent,
enjoy what should be enjoyed, donate what you are able to donate, but don't leave all/much to your children or grandchildren, for you don't want them to become parasites who may be waiting for the day you will die!!

Don't worry about what will happen after we are gone,
because when we return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticisms. The time to enjoy the worldly life and your hard earned wealth will be over !!!

Don't worry too much about your children, for children will have  their own destiny & should find their own way....

Don't be your children's slave.
Care for them, love them, give them gifts, but also enjoy your moments.... Enjoy your money while you can.

Life should have more to it than working from the cradle to the grave!!

40-year old like you, don't trade in your health for wealth by working yourself to an early grave anymore.
Becoz, your money may not be able to buy your health...

When to stop making money?
Or how much is enough....lakhs, crores, million, ten million...???

Out of thousand hectares of good farm land, you can consume only three quarts (of rice) daily;
Out of a thousand mansions, you only need eight square meters of space to rest at night.

One day passes without happiness, you will lose one day.
One day passes with happiness,
& then you gain one day.

In good spirit,
sickness will cure...
In a happy spirit,
sickness will cure faster..
In high & happy spirits;
sickness will never come...

Above all, learn to cherish the goodness around... and FRIENDS... They all make you feel young & "wanted".....Without them, you are
surely to feel lost !!

Stress means the gap between expectations & reality.
More the gap, more the stress.
Expect nothing
& accept everything....

Don't believe in Tit for Tat rule...
because we can't bite a dog who has bitten don't spoil our level just to teach others.....

"Think twice..Act wise.."

Learn to "LET GO"....
Because You cannot have the next breath until you let go the existing one....

Life is like a journey on a train...

Life is like a journey on a train...
with its stations...
with changes of routes...
and with accidents !

We board this train when we are born and our parents are the ones who get our ticket.

We believe they will always travel on this train with us.

However, at some station our parents will get off the train, leaving us alone on this journey.

As time goes by, other passengers will board the train, many of whom will be significant - our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life.

Many will get off during the journey and leave a permanent vacuum in our lives.

Many will go so unnoticed that we won't even know when they vacated their seats and got off the train !

This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, good-byes, and farewells.

A good journey is helping, loving, having a good relationship with all co passengers...
and making sure that we give our best to make their journey comfortable.

The mystery of this fabulous journey is :
We do not know at which station we ourselves are going to get off.

So, we must live in the best way - adjust, forget, forgive and offer the best of what we have.

It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to leave our seat... we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life."

Thank you for being one of the important passengers on my train... don't know when my station will come... don't want 2 miss saying: "Thank you"

Thank you all for being part of this journey.
Hope to see a positive and inspiring 2015 ahead.

Thursday, 19 March 2015


Every ONE wants happiness,

No ONE needs pain,

But its not possible to get a

Without a little rain.

Life is full of Blessings

One Man Cried When

He had no shoes ,

But he stopped crying when

He saw a man without legs….

Life is full of Blessings ,

Some time we Don’t understand it..!!


"No candle loses its light while lighting another candle"
   Never stop sharing
Caring & helping others,
   Becoz it makes our
Life  more  meaningful.


LIFE Is Like FLUTE ....

It May Have Many Holes
And Emptiness


If You Work On It Carefully

It Can Play

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

To go

Our Breath Comes ..    To Go.
Our Thoughts Come .. To Go.
Our Words Come ..      To Go.
Our Actions Come ..    To Go.
Our Feelings Come ..   To Go.
Our Illnesses Come ..  To Go.
Our Phases Come ..    To Go.
Our Seasons Come ..  To Go.
We  Have Come ..        To Go.

Then Why Do We Hold Our
So So So Tightly, When
These Too Have Come .. To Go.
L E T   T H E M  G O ....