
Tuesday, 4 February 2014


1.       Affects on how we deal with life, how we think and feel , how we see life .
2.       Gaining more control on life,
3.       Unconsciously turn your thoughts into positive thougthts.
4.       Increase capacity to succeed in life.
5.       Turn person into an optimistic person with confidence and high self esteem.


Friday, 20 December 2013


You will become what you think about most; your success or failure in anything, large or small, will depend on your programming-what you accept from others, and what you say when you talk to yourself..........Shad  Helmster -Think & Grow Rich

Tourist on the Virgin  Islands are often told about the "island wrist watch"....It is a woven bracelet or simple metal band but there is no clock face on the watch. When you want 2 know what Time it simply look at the bracelet. If you can, its Daytime. If you can't it, its night......ha  ha, what a pleasureable  measure of timeless boundaries. Think & Grow Rich

Every Religion has 3 Components...Ritual, Cultural and Spiritual. There is scope of differences only in the 1st two.The third Component Spiritual Component cover up the conflict arising from the first two and leads your way to Higher Consciousness. Think & Grow Rich

What ever upon you Conceive and Believe, you Achieve it. Think & Grow Rich 

If u sizzle at hearing the Good News of ur Opponent ,that means the roots of the Hatred are there in the ur Sub Conscious Mind. Practise the Self Talk of Forgiveness and try the Acid Test of Forgiveness.

He thinks in secret,and it come to pass; Environment is but his looking glass.

Interdependence is a higher value than Independence-Stephen R.Covey
Think & Grow Rich

Admission of Ignorance is often the very 1st step in our Education.
Think & Grow Rich

It is Impossible for us to break the Law.We only Break ourselves against the Law-Ten Commandments,Cecil B.deMelle
Think & Grow Rich

Its wonderful for the peer relationship we all people are enjoying among us.There were some common traits which lead to wonderful start to a dynamic year end.we on all part Wish all of you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2014.
Hope 2 meet all of u with different Definate Lovable Cause :D
Think & Grow Rich

Sow a Thought,reap an Action;
Sow an Action ,reap a Habbit;
Sow a Habbit,reap a Character;
Sow a Character,reap a Destiny.
Think & Grow Rich

Management is doing things right,
Leadership is doing right things.
Think & Grow Rich

Use ur Right Brain(creative,sensitive,artistic,intuitive) Power of Visualiztion to write an Affirmation that will help u become Congruent ur Deeper Values in ur Daily life.
Think & Grow Rich

My own Maxim of Personal Effectiveness is:
Manage from the Left;
Lead from the Right Brain.
Think & Grwo Rich

In an interdependent situation,the Golden Eggs(Love,warmth & Happiness) are the Effectiveness,the wonderful Synergy...the results created by open communications & interactions with each others.And to get those Eggs on a regular basis,we need to take care of the Goose(Relationships).
Think & Grow Rich

If a person can express his feelings n convictions with Courage  Balanced with feelings n convictions of other person......
He is termed as Mature.
Think & grow rich

The greater is the CHANGE from Industrial age 2 Information age,more difficult our CHALLENGES and more Relevent our HABBITS become.Try 2 develop a good one.

Think & Grow Rich

Fearenza & Worryitis are 2 mental disease GERMS that are eating whole HumanKind....Decision is the utmost Solution
Think & Grow Rich

The wise men always understood that this natural world is always a image and copy of the paradise.

Think & Grow Rich